April 1992
To implement “Five Year Developing Project of Special Education”, Mr. Ming-fa Chiu was appointed as the preparatory chief to take the responsibility for establishing the school.
July 1, 1994
The Provincial Chia Yi School for the Mentally Retarded was established formally. The part of Suei-Sun Junior High School campus was used as temporary teaching site. In the first year, two primary classes and four secondary classes were set up.
August 1995
The instruction building was dedicated. The school was formally moved back to the Chia Yi city campus.
July 1996
The vocational Department of Senior High School was established. Four senior high classes were offered.
February 1997
Mr. Mu-Jen Jein became the second Principal.
February 1999
The school was renamed National Chia Yi School for the Mentally Retarded.
February 2001
Mr. Ji Duei Shiu served as the third Principal.
February 2006
Mrs. Siou-Ying Wu became the fourth Principal.